Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 0 - NYC --> SF

I have a natural disposition when I move. It is loosely called "Laura is independent to a fault and likes to make things as hard as possible on herself." Here's how the day went:

Wake up at Leta's in the East Village after a night of dancing with my lovely friends one last time.
Train to Astoria.
Get a cabbie at the train to drive me to my apartment, pick up my massive amount of luggage and then drive me to La Guardia
Get to La Guardia and get told that if I don't remove 10 pounds from each piece of luggage I would have to pay $180 in overweight fees.
Throw away 20 pounds of my clothing and random accessories.
Lose my boarding pass when I try to go through security.
Finally get through and get on the plane carrying WAY more than is allowed for carryon (roller bag, bursting shoulder bag and purse)
Fly to Atlanta
Try in vain to reorganize my things to make it easier to carry.
Fly to San Francisco
Look out over the amazing Sierra Nevadas and be breathtaken by how much I love the west. Realize just a tiny bit that I have left New York (though this is still not clear to me at all. I'll figure out that I'm not going back to New York someday)
Land in San Francisco
Get my luggage and realize very quickly that I should have asked for help (please see picture for details as to why)
Take 45 minutes to lug my luggage up and down an assload of escalators, almost killing myself in the process, to get to my rental car.
Get my rental car, struggle to get my hated luggage into the car and realize I don't know how to turn the car on (keyless ignition?!). Finally sheepishly ask for help.
Pull out and get my GPS on my phone ready to guide me to my new home! dies ten minutes into the drive. I have no map and no directions.
Use my intuition to get me to my new apartment. Become highly impressed with myself.
Try to park on a hill. Almost shit my pants in fear. Abandon that attempt.
Park, grab all of my recording equipment, get into my apartment and instantly record a voiceover job.

Talk about a long and involved day. I could have made it so much easier on myself. It's been a few years since I've been in charge of a move so I kind of forgot that I naturally make things exceedingly difficult, but at least I always keep a good attitude about it and just laugh at myself for being unprepared.

Long story short. I somehow made it out of New York City in one piece and got to my new home in San Francisco all by myself without dying. Success! I officially escaped!

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