Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 13 - NYC

This was a whirlwind weekend of people. Many friends from many different parts of my life filling my days. That is something that never would have happened the first year I was here. My priorities have gone through a major renovation from the day I set foot in this city with my suitcase and my newly 23 year old self. I'd say that biggest positive change in my priorities is my realization that it is the people you surround yourself with that really create the quality of your life.

I didn't care about making and sustaining friendships until recently. I've always been social and had friends of course, but the concept of actively going out and creating and cultivating friendships is one that I was a late bloomer into. Maybe its because I've spent much of my adult life in relationships, but I never really felt the need to 'have friends' other than the one or two who I really needed. How absurdly boring.

I did a terrible job of making friends when I moved here. I didn't try and I didn't care. I actually avoided it. If I was at the end of a rehearsal or work I would sneak out early and jam my headphones in so that I wouldn't have to get stuck riding the train home with anyone. Now I have a fear that my fear of making friends will stop me from really opening up and experiencing San Francisco. It's really my only fear about moving. Deep down though I know I'm so different from that person who was afraid of creating friendships. I know know how beneficial to me they are and I am excited to really seek out good people in my life.  Anyone in SF out there wanna be my friend!? Hit me up!

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